Allysontrapezoid's Blog

I don’t wanna be told to grow up.

April 13, 2010
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it has recently come to my attention that i am going to be turning eighteen this year. this is NOT okay. (on a side note, i just got some red velvet cake yogurt at the store, and i’m really scared to try it…so here it goes…HOLY CRAP THAT’S SO GOOD!!!) okay, so anyway. i was at work checking the dates on dog food when i found a bag that said august 23, 2011. and i was like oh hey that’s my birthday. and then i was like i’ll be nineteen then! holy crap. not cool. as much as i’m looking forward to college and life after high school, i find it to be completely and utterly terrifying. it’s realizations like this that make me want to run to my bed and hide under the covers from the world and just never grow up. am i just being like holden caulfield, or do other people feel like this too?  because so far the only cool things about turning eighteen that i can come up with is that i can order snuggies off the tv and put boxes into the bailer at work.

allyson is too lazy to think of a clever title

April 7, 2010
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oh hey. it’s been a while. i randomly had the urge to blog. so, instead of sleeping i’m going to write words on here that probably no one will read, but i don’t care because i’m hardcore.

so i do some of my best thinking in the shower, and just twenty minutes ago i realized that april third already happened this year. now, i know what you’re thinking…well of course it’s already happened. it’s april sixth. but april third marked a very important date in my 2009. it was the WORST DAY EVER. if you read my blog at that time last year, you might remember april third’s post.

Allyson and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day

“Today I walked into my first hour spanish class, and my good friend Ali and I decided that April third was the worst day ever. We had plenty of evidence to back this up with too, considering that we were already having the worst days of our short little lives, and it was only eight o’clock. We decided that next year on April third we were going to see how our day went, and find out if we were right. In the meantime we were going to keep a tally to see who had the worst day. Because when we do things, we go all out.”

it then goes on to recount all of the awful events that took place on the dreaded april third. well, this april third DIDN’T SUCK!!! YAY!!!!!! i guess i’ve come a long way since then.

lalalalalala i’m tired. i think i shall be going to bed soon, but i’ll probably be back here in the near future. it’s fun sharing my feelings with random forty year old creepers on the internet!

(Insert clever title here.)

August 13, 2009
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I’m amazing at losing things. I’m also amazing at finding them in somewhat obvious places right after i don’t need them anymore. For instance, when I was fifteen and I had my permit. One day I lost it. I couldn’t find it anywhere. I searched everywhere and it was nowhere to be found. This resulted in a trip to the dmv to get a new one. Then, at the end of sophomore year i decided that I would read a Kurt cobain biography that I had bought but never finished reading. I had been writing a paper about Kurt Cobain for my freshman english class and was using the book for research. I must have been using the lost permit for a bookmark, because there it was stuffed in between the pages of the book.

Then, one day towards the end of the school year my friend Greg asked me if i had and Jack’s Mannequin cds, because he had never heard of them.  This pretty much broke my heart because Jack’s Mannequin is one of the best bands ever created, and of course i had both of their cds and i would burn them for him immediately. Except for the fact that I couldn’t find my Everything in Transit cd, which is clearly the better of the two. Then just now I randomly decided to pick up the panic at the disco cd case that has been sitting on my desk since like march. i opened it up, and there was the cd that i had been searching for. it doesn’t even matter that i found it, because i already burned a new one. And it just makes me really mad at myself, because right now i can clearly remember why it was there. I went to the mall one day with my friends katie and brie and i bought the panic at the disco cd. then when we got back to my car i wanted to listen to it so i opened it and took the cd from my cd player which was the jack’s mannequin one and put it in the panic at the disco case. then i brought the cd case inside when i got home that night because back then i never kept cd cases in my car. now i have about ten in there, which is really dumb on my part because there’s pretty much no room for them. whatever.  i just feel really dumb for losing that cd, when i should have known where it was.

It seems that

July 24, 2009
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I wait a long time after I’ve posted to write a new one of these.

I don’t even remember the last time I posted.

What have I been up to?

There’s a boy. Or was. Or isn’t anymore. Or maybe there still is. I don’t know. It’s all rather confusing. What does it mean when he’s all nice and sweet and what not in person and talks to you and wants to make plans with you, but then never calls or texts you or follows through with the plans that you were making? Because that’s pretty much what’s been happening.

I’m getting my wisdom teeth out on Tuesday. Kinda scared.

Tori just got home from Georgia like five minutes ago, and I’m waiting for her to call me so we can hang out. I’m spending the night at her house tonight. I haven’t seen her since June.

I’m going to see the Sound of Music tomorrow night with my friend Kayla. Our friend Ali is in it. She’s Liesl. I’ve already seen it once, but Ali’s amazing, and I haven’t seen Kayla since June either. So that will be fun.

I have to work tonight. Facing. Boo.

I also seem to have won a contest. I was rather surprised by this, since I never win anything, but today when I woke up I had an e-mail informing me that I won a free 8×10 picture of The Frantic. So that’s pretty cool, I suppose.

I also finally got a start on my summer reading books for school. I’m so lame, I just finished the first one, A Separate Peace, last night. It was good. A bit sad, though. I started on Death of a Salesman today, but I’m only like twenty-some pages into it.

la la la la la la. I guess that’s it for now. Oh yeah! I’m going to brickyard on Sunday. That’s a nascar race, for those that don’t know. I’m super excited. Yay Jeff Gordon! No, I’m not a redneck.

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It’s Been FOREVER.

July 8, 2009
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So I haven’t posted here in about six million years. Okay, not really, but it’s been a long time. So here’s what I’ve been up to…

Lovehammers and The Frantic was pretty much the most amazing experience of my life. It was awesome to see Lovehammers again, and to see The Frantic on a real stage at a real venue, instead of a stage that’s slightly larger than my bathroom. The first two bands weren’t very good, but it was all worth it to see Lovehammers. And our friends that Tori and I met at the last Lovehammers concert we went to were there and we reunited with them. We also made two new friends who were pretty cool, despite the fact that they said that The Frantic sucked. I told them that Kyle Dee and me were best friends, and then they shut up about that. And Kyle Dee totally remembered us. We were on the floor, and he was standing on one of the balconies and we saw him and waved at him. He waved back and blew us a kiss, because he loves us. Then we went to talk to him after the show and he was like, “I’m so glad you guys could come!” Then we had him sign our hands and he was like, “Why didn’t you guys go see Danger?” (Danger Is My Middle Name was also having a CD release show that night.) And Tori was like, “Because you’re better.” Then he just smiled and was like, “Good answer.” Then Me and Katie bought this sweet shirt and Brett Hartwell told us we were badass because it had a gun on it. And I got a picture with Brett, who’s pretty much the coolest drummer ever.

Then I came home on Saturday and mowed the lawn and packed and stuff for Michigan.

Then Michigan was pretty much amazing, but I’m supposed to be cleaning my house today and I haven’t started and I have to work at five, so I’ll talk about that tomorrow or something.

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June 19, 2009
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I am going to the dentist. Then I am picking up Annie and Katie and going to Steve(my dad)’s house. Tori will be there and then we’re leaving for Chicago to see LOVEHAMMERS AND THE FRANTIC!!!!!!! YAY!!!!! okay. sorry for the random caps.

Then tomorrow we are coming home and I have to mow the lawn and pack for Michigan and go to my cousin’s Lia Sophia party. Then on Snday I am leaving for Michigan until July 6th, so I won’t be posting until I get back.

Yay for getting out of this town! Except I kinda met this guy…so yeah. Like right before I’m leaving for like a million years. ugh. But it’s complicated. Grr. Life is annoying sometimes. But I have to stop upsetting myself. Yay awesome music tonight!!! And Kyle Dee. And Marty Casey with his amazing flowing blonde hair. And Yay Lovehammers who all look bad in pictures, but are actually rather attractive in real life, even though they’re like thirty. But it might just be the whole rock star appeal thing. Speaking of Rockstar, I need to get some, because I’m waaay tired. Also, maybe I’ll get to talk to Brett Hartwell, the Frantic’s drummer, this time and take a picture with him, because when they were at the coffeehouse last time I didn’t get to because we had to leave early, and I was sad because I had just decided that he was like the coolest person ever. And now i’m rambling. Okay, bye!

Might Be Paranoid.

June 16, 2009
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So far, this week has been characterized by creepy guys in pick up trucks staring at me. Yesterday I was going to mow the lawn, but then I realized that I needed  to get more gas. So I went to the gas station. I didn’t even do anything stupid like try to take the lawnmower with me and try to fill it with gas there or anything. I took the gas container thing-a-majig. So I get there and I pull up to one of the pumps and pay and everything. Then I look over and there’s this creepo guy sitting in a truck blatantly staring me down. Then while I’m pumping the gas into the container he is leaving and he drives by me all nice and slow, and I can just tell that he’s watching me, but I don’t look at him because that would just be awkward. And it wasn’t even like I was in a sketchy part of town or anything. It creeped me out.

THEN, I was home and mowing the lawn, and I was trying to hurry because it looked like it was about to rain. I was in the backyard, but my house is on a corner, so my backyard is clearly visible from the street. This guy drives by in a black pick up truck and his head is turned, watching me the whole time he’s near my house. I don’t know what’s so entrancing about a girl mowing the lawn. And it’s not like I looked all that spectacular either. I was wearing no makeup and my hair was up in a ponytail. I also had on shorts that I seriously bought in the men’s section in Dick’s Sporting Goods, and I had a camisole on. Not one of my best outfits.

Then today I was driving home after just buying the new Jonas Brothers CD. Obviously, I was blasting Paranoid, and I came to a four way stop, where there was a truck with a guy in it already stopped to the left of me. He drove through the intersection, but he was obviously staring me down the whole time. Seriously people. I’m a sixteen year old girl. I like loud music and the Jonas Brothers. Get over it. Stop creeping on me.

In other news, my dad gave me two of the books that came from the American Book Exchange thing. They’re from England. It pretty much made my life. One of them had a price sticker on the front that I almost took off until I realized that the price was in pounds. I’m ecstatic.

AND I’m getting my hair cut tomorrow. This is a very good thing considering the fact that my bangs are rather long at the moment, and It’s rather painful when they decide to poke me in the eyes.

Three days until Lovehammers and the Frantic!!! Can’t wait.

Allyson has freak obsessions.

June 14, 2009

Today I got done from work early. Only fifteen minutes, but still, yay! Now I’m afraid I have nothing to do. I guess I’ll read or something.

Last night I hung out with my cousin, Tori. It was pretty fun, I guess. Except we went to this emo kid hangout place to get some smoothies and they were out of them. still. since like last week. they’re dumb. But I’m supposed to go there tomorrow with my friend, Kayla, so they better have them.

Tori and I also went to Borders. I got this book that I read in school in sixth grade called the Phantom Tollbooth. It’s for children, but I love it. I started reading it last night and it’s so amazing. It’s pretty much the kind of book that I want to be the author of someday. You should probably go read it.

I’m going to see Lovehammers and the Frantic in Chicago next Friday, and I’m excited beyond belief. Lovehammers has been pretty much my favorite band since seventh grade when I discovered Marty Casey on Rockstar: INXS, so I’m pretty much a huge fangirl. Yay freak obsessions. And also, nobody knows who they are, and it makes me really sad, but they’re going to be playing a show with the Plain White T’s in August, so that is completely amazing, because they’re famous and what not. So maybe people will start to know who they are. And I have sooo much stuff from them that will be worth something then. Because the first time I saw them in concert my dad bought me a shirt. Then I met Marty Casey and their drummer, Bobby, and they signed the shirt. Then for Christmas one year my dad got me a guitar that was signed by them that they were auctioning off on ebay. I also have some other random memorbilia type stuff of theirs. And then one time my dad randomly ordered me one of their shirts and gave it to me during finals last year, which was nice because it was right after my biology final that I was completely freaking out about. Anyway, Dino, their bass palyer, wrote my dad a little note and sent it with the shirt that was like thank’s for the support and what not, which I thought was cool and it’s hanging in my room right now. I also made this clock thing that looks like the shirt they signed for me for an 8th grade art project that is pretty rockin.

Allyson Rambles. A Lot.

June 11, 2009
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Today’s blog is going to be all over the place, as I have a lot of random things to talk about.

1. Last night i had the weirdest. dream. ever. So it started out that I was in this ballet. I have no clue what the ballet was, but I was one of the main characters, and I had to get into a knife fight with a lion which would cause me to die. The lion was supposed to be played by this girl Rachel who is an actual member of my dance company, but she had gotten injured and couldn’t dance the part. Instead my friend Brie, another actual company member, would be taking her place. So we were on stage, and it turned out that the knives that we were using were real knives, and I would actually be stabbed in the arm. So I was really nervous about this, but when it happened it turned out not to be as bad as I thought. The show went wonderfully, and everyone loved it. (Which is an odd occurrence considering the fact that basically no one comes to our ballets, and those that do are usually friends or relatives of the dancers, and therefore have an obligation to be there.)

Then it was the next day and I was at my grandma’s flower shop after school, waiting for my mom to come pick me up. This was also weird, because I had a working car, and it was parked outside in the parking lot, so I could have easily driven myself home. However, when my mother arrived there she said that she had to work there, because they were really busy or something. I wasn’t happy about this, because it meant that I had to stay there longer with nothing but my homework to keep me entertained. I decided to go outside to the front of the shop so get some deoderant because I was almost out, and apparently my grandma sold that kind of stuff all of a sudden. However, when I came back inside everyone was freaking out because they didn’t know where I was. This caused my mother and I to start yelling at each other, and me to storm off into the kitchen to gather my things and leave in my car.

I started dirving down Main Street, but I guess some of the other drivers were confused, because it is a one way street, and there were many cars going the wrong way. This made it rather hard to drive, and I ended up turning on to some random street that I’m sure doesn’t even exist. During this time my car magicaly turned into a bicycle, and I was stopped by a strange looking man who appeared to be dressed up for Halloween. He told me that a crime had been committed, and I wasn’t allowed to leave. I explained to him that I had nothing to do with the crime. I had only just came to this street, and I was just trying to go home. He said that was okay, and I could leave, just not the waythat I came, because they were cloing Main Street so the police could complete their investigation.

By this time, my bike had completely disappeared. I began to walk home. I turned a corner, and that’s when I noticed how strange this part of town was. It was like a scene from the Halloweentown movies on Disney Channel, but it wasn’t anywhere near time for Halloween. It was almost summer. This man began following me, and we somehow ended up in a house. He told me that he would help me get home. I somehoe believed him, so I decided to stick with him. However, he just kept walking me through this ginormous house, and it seemed like we were getting nowhere. I told him that I could find my own way home, but he would have none of that. I tried to get away from him, but he wouldn’t leave me alone. I began screaming and kicking and hitting him, but nothing affected him. It was horrible, and all I wanted to do was run away as fast as I could, which I easily could have considering that this man was rather large and I could have outrun him even given the fact that I despise running. However that thought never seemed to register in my feet, so I just stayed there with him. I finally began screaming for him to leave me alone, and he somehow agreed to it. I started to walk out of the room that we were in, and it didn’t seem like he was following me. Then. he turned off the lights, so I couldn’t see anything. This kept happening wherever I went, and I told him that that’s not really what leaving me alone is. Then I woke up.

2. Last night I had to work. I was scheduled to be a facer, which did not seem like a fun idea to me, considering the factthat I hate facing. However, it turned out to be pretty much the best work experience ever. I’m way over qualified to be a facer, and I got done with all of my aisles in an hour and a half. I then moved on to end caps, and finally, I helped the other girl finish her last aisle. By that time it was eight o’clock, and we went on break. After that wewent back down to work, and our manager called us over. He asked us who wanted a job to do, but he wouldn’t tell us what it was. I volunteered, and he told me to take all of the bags of ice out of the cooler up front and take them to the freezer in the back room. I did this, and when I came back he was standing there with a hammer. He told me that I had to knock all of the ice that had built up on the walls down. Now, I’ve never really taken a hammer and beat the crap out of anything, and I’m not usually a violent person, but this was rather enjoyable. Except for the fact that I was getting all wet from the falling ice. It was fun, though, to see all the people walking by and the weird looks that they gave me.

3. Don Quixote. This story has come into my life many times, it seems. A few years back, when Giorgi and Eka first came to teach ballet at my dance studio we did a performance called An Evening of Ballet. My ballet class performed a variation from the ballet version of Don Quixote. I really have no clue what we were supposed to be in the story, but we danced with little arrows like Cupid would carry. It was fun, even though we were all terrified of Giorgi and Eka, unti lwe saw them perform in the show and were then amazed by their talent.

Then the next year on spring break I went to Florida with my family and my brother’s girlfriend. We spent two days in Disneyworld, and when we went on the Small World ride I sat next to my dad. We got to the Spanish portion of the ride and he pointed out the Don Quixote doll who was fighting a windmill because he thought it was a dragon.

Fast forward to this winter when we are learning about the…crap I forgot what it’s called. That shows how great of a student teacher Mr. McNulty was. It was people questioning authority and government and thinking for themselves, and so they were making all of these scientific discoveries and thinking of new styles for government and stuff, but then they got censored for having these ideas, so writers got around that by writing fiction stories that expressed these ideas, and Don Quixote was written by Cervantes to make fun of chivalry. I would look it up, but I’m too lazy. It started with an R. I feel really dumb now. Anyways, he told us about this book and how he had a little midget squire called Sancho Panza, and he made it sound really interesting, and it inspired me to want to read this book. I had my dad buy it for me, but I didn’t want to start reading it until after school was over and I had more time to focus on it.

Then on Tuesday I was in ballet class with my friend Katie. We were standing there watching some of our fellow students dance when we looked at the poster that was hanging on the wall next to us. And just guess what the poster was for. Of course, New York Ballet’s production of Don Quixote. Katie said that we should do that ballet this spring, except we don’t have any guys. I said that I would be Don, but then I quickly remembered Sancho Panza and opted for his role since I’m pretty much a midget. Katie decided to go for the role of Don, and we’re both very excited, even though we know that would never happen.

Anyways, I decided to start reading the book after this discussion, and I’m finding that it’s pretty much the best book ever.

Also, I got a Flight of the Conchords t-shirt from Hop Topic yesterday, and I’m really excited about it.

It’s Been A While.

June 9, 2009
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Okay, now that I have that song by Staind stuck in my head…

I haven’t blogged in a rather long time, or at least it feels that way. I haven’t really been doing anything too exciting though. Just working and dance, and hanging out and being lazy since I don’t have school.

Today, however, I actually did do something. I went to see Up with my friends Annie and Greg. I had to pick Annie up from her house, and while I was driving to get her I found out that the street that I use pretty much everyday to get pretty much everywhere in my town is closed. It really bothered me, because it’s part of the rennovations that they’re doing to the downtown area that nobody really wants anyway. These changes didn’t really bother me at first, because the only time I go downtown is when I go to The Coffeehouse to see bands play, which doesn’t happen all that often. However, the other day I ventured to this area in search of a certain used book store, so I could buy my books for my summer reading list. Except the street that it was on was closed, and I was a little bit scared about walking down it by myself. Instead I went to Target and bought the Mitchell Musso CD (which is amazing, by the way). But now they’re closing off my street? This is not okay.

Up was amazing though. It was probably the best movie Pixar has done so far. It was really sad at parts, though, but I highly recommend it.

Awkward transition…

Okay, I was thinking, and I decided that my grocery store could totally start a Tonight The Prom look-alike band. (If you’ve never read my blog before or heard of them, Tonight the Prom is this amazing band that I’m in love with and I’ve seen them three times, and I’ve met them twice. Moving on.) There’s this new(ish) bagger that must have started working there when I was gone for tech week for my ballet, because I came back and he was there, and yeah. Anyway, he reminds me of their guitar player, Luke. He really doesn’t look or act like him, though, when I really think about it, but whenever I see him I just think LUKE! Then there’s this guy that used to shop there like everyday who looks just like their bass player, Jordan. I think I scared him away, though, because I would just stare at him, and I think that freaked him out. But they were like twins, except he had like no hair, or I don’t think he did. He always wore a beanie, but a beanie wouldn’t be able to control Jordan’s crazy fro. But he even had the same glasses as Jordan. Anyway, all these two guys need to do is grow some hair and find a guy that looks like Andrew, their singer, and they could totally be a band. It would be awesome. Also, the guy that reminds me of Luke, we’re gonna be best friends, me and him.

Okay, I’ll stop now, because you probably don’t care about this. Also, my mom is bringing me Taco Bell, and I’m starving.

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About author

My name's Allyson. I'm a nerd. This is my life.





